How to Make Unpacking For Your Next Move Smooth, Quick, and Painless

How to Make Unpacking For Your Next Move Smooth, Quick, and Painless

Many people stress about moving to a new home. There are many tasks involved and many things to remember during the moving process. Packing up is a big part of moving, but it’s not the only thing. If you are dreading the unpacking experience, don’t fret. You can make unpacking a breeze and get settled into your new home in no time. With some planning and forward-thinking, you’ll wonder what you ever worried for. Here are a few tips you can use to make unpacking smooth and quick.

Pack for Unpacking

If you are packing yourself, pack for unpacking. Think about how you used the items in your old home. For instance, instead of packing kitchen items by category, pack them by cabinet or drawer. When you unpack them, the items you expect to be together will be, so you won’t spend ages looking for the cups or the spatula.

Another area you want to pack for unpacking is the bedroom. Leave clothes on their hangers and consider packing them in bundles. You’ll be able to lift the clothes out and hang them in a few moments. While you might break a hanger or two, you’ll still save a ton of time and energy over removing all the hangers and folding clothes into boxes. You should also pack clothes that sit in dresser drawers by the drawer. You may not even have to take them out of the drawer if you are moving yourself.

A List Can Be a Lifetime

For some people, a list makes life better. You can clearly label each box as you pack it and note it on a master list by room to easily track your boxes. For example, if you know you have eight boxes for the master bathroom, a quick count will tell you if you’ve unloaded all the boxes for that room in your new home.

You might opt to hire a professional moving company to help you pack and transport your possessions. The movers can help you stay organized by clearly labeling each box as they pack it. You can create your own list as you observe them packing, but many will also generate a list for you to help you stay on top of things. When you begin unpacking, you can check off the boxes as you find them to ensure that everything arrived and is in the correct room.

Sort Out Essentials

Set aside suitcases for essential items you and your family will need right away. For example, searching for personal toiletries or cleaning supplies during the unpacking process can derail and distract you. Having these items in suitcases you can easily access means you can have a clean room to unpack in, as well as clean clothes to wear. If you have kids, have them pack some favorite toys along with their changes of clothes and toiletries. Sometimes having toys at hand to occupy children is more efficient than having them underfoot, bored, and cranky.

The Most Important Rooms

Unpack your most used or most important rooms first. If you arrive in the afternoon or evening, then the bedrooms and bathroom are probably going to be the most essential. You’ll want a place to get a good night’s sleep and, of course, everyone needs to use the bathroom. Other people will unpack the kitchen before the bedroom if they are eager to get cooking. You know yourself and your family best. You might prefer to cook a meal in your new home right away, or you might want to order a meal to save the time and energy for unpacking.

Sort First, Electronics Later

It can be tempting to set up the TV or gaming systems as you unpack each room but skip this for now. Focus instead on unpacking each room. Once furnishings are in place and you are feeling more on top of things, then you can go to each room to set up the electronics. TVs and gaming systems can distract you and others from the unpacking process. If you have kids, you could hold off on electronics as a reward for helping to unpack their bedrooms and toys.

Great Timing

If you have small children, unpacking during the day could end up being next to impossible. Professional movers can come in handy by sorting boxes into the correct rooms for you. Focus on only unpacking what the kids will need for a good night’s sleep. In the evening when the children go to bed may be your time to be productive in the rest of the home. You can get a lot done without the little ones constantly interrupting or getting in the way.

Unpacking Doesn’t Have to Be Terrible

However you unpack, the most important thing is to start with a plan. Be flexible but use your plan as a guide so you can stay on, or get back on, track. If you can, ask for help sorting and unpacking in your new home. If you packed your boxes originally by use and location, it could help you to unpack more quickly. Taking a little extra time up front will save you so much time later.

Guest Blogger Kara Griffin
[email protected]