Home Landscaping Modifications that Can Improve Security and Resale Potential

Home Landscaping Modifications that Can Improve Security and Resale Potential

An introduction by Blog Host Margaret:

There’s a lot said about buying a new home, about paint and decorating, colors and remodeling projects, yet not as much is said about the exterior of a home, and the “hard” scape. Designing your front and back landscaping can be a lot of fun for those who have green thumbs, and an idea of what they’d like to see in their back yard: A hot tub? Some raised veggie planters? A pool? Grass? Patio? BBQ area? The list goes on. Our guest blogger has some good ideas so I’m forwarding you what she has to say. Should you decide you need a landscaping professional to help with ideas and the practical knowledge of what will grow where, give me a call, I know a couple of wonderful people who can help you transform your outdoor space to be as beautiful as what you enjoy indoors!


Is your family’s life exposed through open windows and bare landscaping? If you answered “yes” to this question, then it would be wise to invest in a few good landscaping modifications. Options like shrubbery and low-voltage lighting will not only help keep you and your family safe during these unprecedented times, they can also help you sell your home faster. (Note: If you plan to sell your home in the near future, take a look at other listings and keep an eye on trends to get a feel of how other homeowners are using landscaping to attract buyers.)

A secure home starts not at the front door, but at the property’s perimeter. Security fences are one option, but if you want to give your home a high-end feel, install shrubbery along the perimeter instead. A hedge is not only more attractive, it can also be more secure than a fence — intruders can scale a fence, but they’ll have a hard time hopping over a 4-foot hedge.

Shrubbery is excellent along your property’s perimeter, but avoid placing large landscape plants near windows or doors where they could be used as cover by a home intruder. Instead, choose low-lying landscape plants throughout the yard to maintain clear lines of sight from your home. If shade trees create dark hiding spots in the yard, brighten them up with low-voltage landscape lighting. It’s also a smart idea to install lighting at your property’s entrance and along pathways for visibility after dark.

Additional Resources

For more information about strengthening the security outside your home, check out these resources.

Follow the above landscaping tips and resources so that you, your family, and future buyers remain safe at home.

Looking for more great real estate advice? Check out Bay Area Housing Trends!

Guest Blogger Suzie Wilson
[email protected]