Family Spousal Considerations


Needless to say moving is a huge upheaval, yes, it’s hard to leave family and friends and start over, yet most people find those very same people are only too happy to come visit you in California! You may see more of them than you did back home! Sure there’s a transition period but after a short while most folk are happy to make new friends and start new activities. There’s many a family I’ve driven round to show where different things are and to get newcomers acclimatized, it’s not long before those very same people are telling me about places they’ve discovered!


There’s a huge variety of schools here; most of the public schools are good and many are excellent. For those looking for private schools, they are well represented and I’m happy to send you information upon request.


This is often a tough one and really depends on the age of your child. There are several organization that provide help and some have quite the niche market with places like Town & Country Resources in Palo Alto offering unique services:

TOWN + COUNTRY Home Staffing are experienced, highly skilled and they really care.